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On the construction of electric bicycle charging shed (shed) in residential areas

Date: 2017-06-01
Views: 33

 To learn lessons from the accident of electric bicycle fire, fire prevention work to strengthen the electric bicycle, according to "Henan province public security fire protection regulations" and the Department of Henan Province, Henan Province Department of housing and urban rural construction "on the strengthening of residential electric bicycle (shed) and construction work notice" the canal spirit, in June 4, 2014, the Zhengzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau Urban and Rural Planning Bureau, urban and Rural Construction Committee, housing security and the real estate management bureau, Civil Affairs Bureau jointly issued the "on the construction of residential quarters electric bicycle charging base (shed) Notice", the relevant contents of notice as follows:
First, since August 1st this year, the new residential area, apartment buildings and other residential construction projects to plan the class with the construction of electric bicycle charging base (shed), police and fire departments, urban planning departments, urban construction Department of this work has been included in the construction sector for the audit, project approval (approval).
Two, residential property management services business unit or for the construction of the main responsibility, to raise funds in accordance with the market operation mode, make full use of public land or the original bicycle (shed), according to the construction technical requirements, planning additional or alteration of electric bicycle charging base (shed) number 50%, completed residential area by the end of November 2014, by the end of 2015 to complete all construction work.
Three, where the restriction of space, construction and reconstruction of electric bicycle charging Library (shed) is difficult to be in the old residential area, residential building, etc. at the end of head position construction of one or more conform to the safety requirements of small temporary centralized charging points, to meet the residents needs to charge electric bicycles.
Four, residential property services enterprises, management units are electric bicycle charging Library (shed) daily maintenance management responsibility unit, to strengthen the electric bicycle storage and charging facilities daily maintenance management.
Five, the property service enterprise and area units, should develop strict electric bicycle storage, charging management regulations, centralized storage, centralized management of electric bicycles, charging facilities for electric bicycles and unified configuration of fire equipment maintenance.
Six, is strictly prohibited on electric bicycles and electric bicycles charging in residential buildings, walkways, stairs between the first floor hall of memory, prohibited private pull random access temporary wire charging for electric bicycles, electric bicycle charging is prohibited for a long time to.
Seven, the property service enterprise, clogging evacuation routes closed, safety exit, fire channel behavior to occupy, and shall dissuade and stop; do not listen to discourage, stop, should be timely to the public security fire control institutions or police station report. In violation of provisions of the "People's Republic of China fire", in the exit stairs, storage electric bicycle, causing evacuation routes, emergency exits closed, blocking the fire control institutions of public security organs should be dealt with severely, causing fire by negligence, does not constitute a crime, more than ten days to fifteen days detention, may impose a fine of five hundred yuan; if the circumstances are relatively minor, a warning or a fine of five hundred yuan.
Eight, electric bicycle, electric tricycle storage and charging facilities should be set, not residential buildings in the public corridors, staircases, hallways storing electric bicycle, electric tricycle, in violation of the provisions of the "Henan fire regulations", residential buildings in the public corridor, staircase, lobby for electric bicycles, electric tricycle charging correct, by the fire control institutions of public security organs or the police station to make; refuse to correct, and impose a fine of two hundred yuan; the fire caused by accident or cause fire losses, by the public security fire control institutions ten thousand yuan fine of one hundred thousand yuan.
If the relevant units and individuals in violation of the above provisions, not to implement electric bicycle charging base (shed) construction and routine maintenance work, causing a fire safety hazard or fire accident, fire control institutions of public security organs and the police station to the management responsibility of the unit or the relevant personnel handled in accordance with the law.
Hereby notify.
Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau
Two, 14, July 17th

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